Securus® provides incarcerated individuals free access to tablets loaded with communication, education, and employment resources, because our goal is to reduce recidivism and help people move forward with their lives.
One of the primary causes of recidivism is lack of communication. Securus is changing this by providing critical applications that increase communication opportunities between incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.
Securus’ tablets provide multiple ways for incarcerated individuals to stay connected, so they don’t have to miss a single message:
Securus empowers all incarcerated individuals to return home with updated skills and education. They have access to educational materials wherever they may be so that they can have the most success when their time is done.
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
~ Malcolm X
- RAND REPORT 2016Individuals who participate in any type of educational program while in prison
are 43 percent less likely to return to prison.
With access to more than 7,000 educational videos, with 25,000 exercises, tests and skills checks, incarcerated individuals can learn virtually anything.
Securus provides incarcerated individuals with Securus Lantern, a learning platform that puts incarcerated individuals directly in contact with educators and content providers. Incarcerated individuals with Securus Lantern can be truly prepared for skilled work after their time is done. More than 50,000 college credits and hundreds of degrees have been earned through our partnership with Ashland University, just one of our University partners.
CourseShare offers a no cost solution for agencies to share educational curriculum that can be utilized to help incarcerated individuals in any agency. Educational courses have proven to decrease recidivism by 40%; however, 4 out of 5 individuals in custody do not have regular access to educational content. The CourseShare program available through Securus Lantern provides a growing library of basic education, lifeskills and job readiness training. We partner with second chance friendly employers to offer courses that complement onsite programs.
The primary mission of Securus Technologies® has always been to facilitate the connection between incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.
Want to know more?Securus makes coming home and finding work easier. Incarcerated individuals can find employment resources right on their tablets to help them prepare for interviews, find work in a field they enjoy, and take full control over their lives.
Securus provides incarcerated individuals with a head start on searching for employment upon release. Utilizing Securus’ tablets, incarcerated individuals have resources that allow them to begin their search and improve their chances of finding a job upon release.
Interviews are hard, no matter who you are. Securus provides resources on these free tablets to empower formerly incarcerated individuals to handle everything from interviews to day-to-day job responsibility.
If your agency is looking to reduce recidivism, please contact our sales department to see if we are the right fit for you.
Contact SalesThis is the most motivating factor in leading a legitimate life in business when I am released.~ Securus Lantern Student
I’ve learned that at 37 years old I can take classes successfully.~ Securus Lantern Student
The tablets will allow incarcerated individuals to begin planning for re-integration into society by searching for jobs and accessing mental health information. Another benefit is that the tablets encourage good behavior.~ Sheriff
The tablet is a valuable tool for learning all sorts of information that will help me mentally…to go home and be informed. I can listen to the news and study things…relevant to what I plan to do once released.~ Incarcerated Individual
My family and I emailed every day. It made a world of difference in my life. It was my support system.~ Incarcerated Individual
Having eMessaging changes your focus. It helps you stay strong and keep hope.~ Incarcerated Individual
They look at the tablet as a work environment. It teaches them opportunities so they don’t feel helpless or jealous of one another.~ Sheriff
I was able to prepare for the GED with the help of KA Lite.~ Incarcerated Individual